This Website

Portfolio website created with al-folio and Jekyll

Experimenting with Google Sites and Wix before finding al-folio, I chose this Jekyll theme for its minimalist back-end that would allow me the customization I wanted to set my site apart from others. At the forefront of this site’s design, I wanted viewers to navigate effectively while also engaging with the content provided, rather than scrolling through just another portfolio site.

As I worked on retheming this site, I encountered some obstacles to customization that I noticed had gone severly undocumented on the al-folio forums. If you’re interested, see below for code examples of the following:

Adding and Changing Social Icons


Go to fontawesome, create a profile, and get your free web fonts kit. Then add your Kit Embed code under the <!-- Fonts & Icons --> section. It should look like below.

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


Now go to your desired social link (Ctrl + F to find the link) and change the following to whatever icon you want:

<i class="fa-CATEGORY fa-ICON">

For example, in _config.yml I set the ‘work’ social link to my page and then changed

<a href="" title="Work"><i class="fa-solid fa-briefcase"></i></a>


<a href="" title="Work"><i class="fa-brands fa-itch-io"></i></a>

Hosting Interactive PDFs on Project Pages

To link a scrollable PDF on your project page, add the PDF to ‘assets/pdf’ and add the following to the project .md file.

<object data="" width="800" height="500" type='application/pdf'></object>

Adding a Papers section

Go to ‘_pages’, copy, and rename it to Then set the header to the following

layout: page
title: Papers
permalink: /papers/
description: DESCRIPTION
nav: true
nav_order: #
horizontal: false

When creating a new project now, make sure to set the category to one set above.